Wednesday, June 30, 2004

2004 No Alibi

I didn't have a navigator lined up for this one, so I volunteered to work the event as a checkpoint worker. This was my first working a TSD event, and therefore my first time as checkpoint. I got my worker's route book and took off ahead of the rally by about 30 minutes and drove the event until I got to my prescribed location. I did the same on both days which worked well. Working the event was also fun and interesting. Fun because I got a lot of great roads to myself, and interesting to see how much work goes into running and designing a TSD. My worker routebooks were amazing - with special notes on how to shortcut the rally to make it to the next checkpoint ahead of the competitors. On top of that - the roads were amazing and the weather was excellent. Our overnight stop was in Clarkston, and we had some great roads on SE Washington. It was a bit tricky reading the notes on the passenger seat and operating the Odo myself, but I think I learned a lot too so it was well worth it.

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